Monday, April 7, 2008

Leadership project

Here is our feeble attempt at describing leadership to the world.



becca said...

i liked the last scene. seen. sein. ceane.

Anonymous said...

hey nathan, i didn't know you had a blog and i just saw that you are reading our blog, very cool. i will start reading yours too. i think our nathan (you know the one) put a link up toyourblogonourblog. you write some interesting things (things i think and never say or type) thats cool man. you should get in on this muxtape thing we do (just type that in your google). i don't know how long you've been reading out blog but did you see the thing i wrote about santogold? i think you might like her.. has both the songs she has out right now, and she has a debut album coming out on april 29th. enjoyed your blogger, later gator.